The War on Dancing

The year is 2014, Toronto, Canada. One of the centers of modern western civilization and democracy. It’s the year when politicians declared war on dancing.

This isn’t the first time. It won’t be the last. Youth is politics’ greatest enemy.

Getting the right politician in power is not the way to go. It will not solve anything. It’ll just cause more disillusionment. That’s right, voting is b#llshit. So is writing to your councilors. We exist to them not because we’re not down to vote them into office, but we don’t pose enough of a threat to them personally. They can do whatever they wish even if we do vote them in. Once they have power, our wishes again become irrelevant.

The political system is far too flawed by its very nature in order for change to come from anywhere but outside of it. There won’t be a right politician worth voting for until there are enough of us who are willing to dance our way to violent protests and jail. By that point the one who already is in office will obey the people’s will simply to prevent a damn revolt! Votes don’t change anything, the politicians running for office are being picked for us. They always will be. You gotta strike fear into their hearts. Literal fear for their lives is all that’ll change anything, otherwise our interests will never matter. Just look at how long the marijuana issue has been going on for. Now, finally, we’re seeing some change because enough of us are smoking up and not giving a flying fuck if its illegal and they don’t have enough damn room in their prisons to lock us all up.

Government and politics are simply a psychological necessity, a blueprint upon which society is built because human beings require it in order to most effectively organize. It is a pseudo-necessary evil. Perhaps we shouldn’t be waiting for a savior politician to materialize that’s worth voting for, he or she who will save us and solve all of our problems: the Dear Leader.

Maybe we should be grinding, organizing, protesting, violently if met with violence and being the change we wish to see in the world ourselves. There’s no future in status-quo politics. There never was and there never will be.

Much love,
Zen Politics
The War on Dancing
“The War on Dancing” – Published Apr 27, 2014

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