Trust We Dog In.

Yeah, yeah, I know…religious debates are pointless. This is not going to be one of them.

I’m an anti-theist. I don’t believe in any monotheist organized religion. I do believe in the afterlife, extraterrestrials, and ghosts. I believe in certain supernatural things because I believe that science will prove and explain their existence. I don’t think I have to disbelieve in them in order to be against theism.

Outside of all of that, debating the existence of God is the biggest waste of time.

All due respect to the New Atheists; they don’t debate the existence of God so much as they give many fellow atheists a voice. There’s nothing wrong with pushing the idea that there is no evidence to suggest a theistic God. Their purpose is more to take away power from all the self-appointed vicars who fancy to speak in God’s name. It’s the first form of totalitarianism and the oldest surviving.

Belief in the supernatural is hard-wired in our genes…as much or as little as that proves is left to be debated. Epigenetics is a thing, so genes really aren’t a dictator of much of anything these days aside from skin-deep bullshit like eye color. Hardcore fundamentalists really don’t need the extra help. Most of them are already unlikely to be convinced otherwise due to basic auto brain conditioning.

Having said all that…I still like to dream. What if we all focused on making the world a better place instead of wasting time debating on the existence of invisible beings? Whether or not we were created and whether or not there is proof of a creator doesn’t change the reality of our autonomy or our responsibility or our ability to make the world a better place. What if we just focused on creating beautiful things like improving everyone’s material conditions? Can’t we all just drop the stupid and do that for the rest of our lives? That would be really f#cking great.

Much love,
Zen Politics
Trust We Dog In.
“Trust We Dog In.” – Published Apr 20, 2014

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