A Cracked Idea

There is an amazing article written by a comedian for, unexpectedly enough, a comedy site. It’s a list of 7 reasons why news stories look worse than it really is.

It’s a fascinating read that goes into the many psychological and logical fallacies us humans go through by nature that darkens our view of the world an generally makes us negative, cynical, and pessimistic for the future. From the scarcity principle, to wishful thinking, to just good old fashioned hypocrisy and, at the end of the day, laziness.

Not only that but, it explains how we manage to take for granted or downright disregard any positive change in the world.

It moved me because this is what I find myself talking and arguing about with the cynics in my life, the nihilists around me, the pessimists that I meet. All of these negative mindsets are awfully convenient when they also allow the luxury of inaction.

It’s always more difficult to build things than to destroy them, it always takes more effort, dedication, and hope. Many of those who do not wish to invest in these values will turn cynical, and find endless ease in exposing the reasons as to why building new things is a waste of time.

This is all why those people and their cynicism should not be given a moment’s attention. Cynicism comes from an inherent laziness, an apathy towards productivity and constructiveness, for there is no creative solutions that can be extracted out of the idea that the world is doomed to fail.

At the end of the day, the choice is whether to sink or swim. Swimming requires a hope that the direction you’re swimming is towards a shore, sinking has the certainty of relaxing all muscles, giving all hope, and falling into the abyss of oblivion.

The choice in the end, is left to us.

Much love,
Zen Politics
A Cracked Idea
“A Cracked Idea” – Published August 25, 2013

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