An Unspoken Truth

Françoise David of Québec Solidaire was quoted that an “uncovered face is a requirement for education and communication.” An uncovered face is also necessary for the seizure of rights by women in a democracy whose constitution protects them.

There are many who speak of the whole Quebec niqab issue by quoting the disgusting tweets by the even more disgusting members of our society that are no better than the perpetrators of such anti-woman garb as the niqab itself. Both groups are deflecting the issue from what it really is. There are even more whose hypocrisy speaks in favor of the teachers continuing to be allowed to hide their humanity while denying that they are defending the niqab!

I will come right out and say it, because it needs to be said loudly and shamelessly: the niqab has no place in a democratic society. Nothing that is designed to, and can so effectively destroy everything that can recognisably be human about a person -especially a woman- should be allowed in any country that protects human rights. Such clothing is actively unconstitutional.

There are many countries in the world that are more than happy to allow women to wear such articles of clothing. Nay, they insist. In fact they have laws “protecting” such rights upon pain of acid burns for any woman who dares to not exercise her “right” to cover up.

There are Nazis among us, for example, whose values are not compatible with our society, but we don’t jump to their aid when they choose to wear a swastika in public even if it is their right and freedom to do so. We criticize and express in no uncertain terms that these symbols are unwelcome. Why should the niqab get treated any differently when it is the de facto swastika of the Muslim world?

So spare me this bull about how these women have the right to wear whatever they want. How many women around the world must suffer and die at the hands of the men who protect the right of the niqab? It is a grotesque insult to all the women who make the ultimate sacrifice for any democratic country to allow its citizens to be subjected to such tyranny.

Much love,
Zen Politics
An Unspoken Truth
“An Unspoken Truth” – Published November 24, 2013

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