The Crisis of Tommy Lee

Allegedly, there is an irrelevant post on Facebook by an irrelevant “artist” about his irrelevant opinion on an umbrella genre of music that he knows nothing about nor cares enough to know. I’m not going to talk about this because of reasons. They are obvious and I respect you too much, dear reader, to insult your intelligence.

What I am going to talk about, however, is the sentiment that seems to be shared by many, especially older generations about anything new…and really, this applies to my generation too, because this kind of foolish hate trend is shockingly non-ageist.

It hits you when it hits you, I suppose. Some earlier, some later in life: the realization that you are irrelevant. This is either your own doing or you just so happen to be in a rut at the moment and get that sexy urge to view everything relevant and popular or well liked as inferior to what was popular and like in the past where emotionally laced memories are aplenty. You know, those emotions that decimate any sort of rational thinking because “god” forbid!

Who wants to do that?

It doesn’t allow us to skip the part where we need to admit our human imperfections and vulnerabilities or live up to our responsibilities for being who and where we are. It doesn’t allow us to reinforce our current form of lazy thinking that just makes everything worse. That’s way better than all that “growth and wiser thinking and more appropriate approach” thing.

For all who are gonna do the Tommy Lee thing: don’t. Get the frack up and do something that’ll benefit others. Feel the love and value of all the beautiful things you’re hating on for all the wrong reasons (and they’re all wrong reasons).

Rejoin your human family and start rocking. The moment you do anything that makes this world even a minute fraction of a percentile of a better place is the moment you’ll become relevant again.

It’ll happen instantly and if you do it right, you won’t care how relevant you are.

Much love,
Zen Politics
The Crisis of Tommy Lee
“The Crisis of Tommy Lee” – Published January 19, 2014

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