Forgiveness is not great

Alexander Pope was once famously quoted as saying that “To err is human; to forgive, divine.”

Forgive, but don’t forget. We have heard quotes like these throughout our lives. Many believe them to be the source of great wisdom. We are told that when we can forgive, we can let go of grudges and feelings of revenge and move on with our lives.

Does that always apply? Are there any actions that should be unforgivable? Is it even possible to forgive but not to forget? Is it even moral to follow these quotes?

It’s simple to forgive minor mistakes, small stuff and yes, one should be encouraged to do so. Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes. There is, however, a line that must not be crossed.

There are certain things that, if forgiven, act like an acknowledgment that it’s acceptable for that transgression to be made. It weakens the moral argument of certain things being unworthy of tolerance, because forgiveness by nature requires the forgiver to be tolerant of the transgression that was made.

There is also another issue that comes into play. Forgiving but not forgetting is quite the challenge because it’s nearly oxymoronic. You need to be aware of what you are essentially tolerating through your act of forgiveness, so it’s quite impossible to forget the transgression even if you wanted to…let alone that human beings are kind of hardwired to remember transgressions and general negative occurrences more often for survival reasons.

Finally, is it moral to tolerate or accept the unforgivable?

Is it desirable to accept significantly hurtful transgressions as part of human nature?

This is where the most resounding “No” should be heard far and wide. It is understood that human beings are imperfect, but without intolerance to certain unforgivable actions we would have no civil rights and no modern civilization. Without a strong moral indignation that makes the thought of forgiveness nauseating we would have no voice.

Nothing sounds more divine than that.

Much love,
Zen Politics
“Forgiveness is not great” – Published September 29, 2013

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