The Loneliest Woman

Women’s Day has come and gone. The media, for the most part, has done its duty to expose the grotesque inequalities that our sisters still endure and to honor this day they way it should be honored. It’s a beautiful time to be a feminist like your humble servant. It seems that the fight is stronger now than ever.

There is a struggle, however, that is waged under the covers. It’s not as popular as the struggle against genital mutilation, the burqa, or equal pay. It is a spiritual struggle of our aesthetically pleasing sisters among us. It’s not as discussed, though I’m certain that it has been mentioned before.

In a society like our western civilization, where we value skin deep beauty over anything else, where Mary Sue’s sell millions of dollars’ worth of books and blockbuster movies in grotesque record-breakingly large franchises, we have perhaps some of the loneliest of us all.

We like to think of our Megan Fox’s and our Anne Hathaway’s as the epitome of happiness but imagine, if you will, that you are. Everyone values you for the least human aspects of your existence, the skin deep qualities. The only way for you to level the playing field against the inherent inequalities of being a woman is to play up those exact qualities. Finding human connection of any kind becomes increasingly difficult. Exercising your various forms of intelligence damn-near becomes a pipe dream.

So my question is: Is it really fair to fully judge the sisters among us who become mindless beauty-queens with an attitude problem when we continue to tolerate a society that nurtures these exact qualities? Is it fair to be exasperated by the pretentions that many women have about themselves, their concept of beauty, or their insecurities when all we do is bombard them with the message that they’ll be worthless otherwise?

When will the time come when we’ll extend a helping and understanding hand instead of pass knee-jerk reactionary judgement?

Much love,
Zen Politics
The Loneliest Woman
“The Loneliest Woman” – Published March 9, 2014

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