There is no future in politics

It is a world of old ideas, not because the ideas are relevant, but because the ideas are stuck in a constant never-ending debate because it’s going in circle and because it is fueled by power, not principles.

Every issue that has ever been discussed or debated has never seen the light of reconciliation.

The people have made their minds up a long time ago, yet the powerful are always th last to get with the program.

Decades pass with this ballet in full swing before any meaningful change occurs on the highest level. In the meantime laws are broken and people suffer due to the stubbornness of the powerful few.

The true ideas, the great ones, the world-changing and the revolutionary ones come from the artists and the philosophers among the common people.

They move the masses, and soon enough, it gets adopted.

Then the laws fall among their heads, and corruption and criminal behavior begins.

The snowball effect has already taken hold.

Today, our ever-connectedness has begun to speed up the process of emancipation and legalization, of equal rights and moral universalism.

The values of the Declaration of Human Rights under the U.N. are finally starting to experience a greater influence in society.

So whatever you do, don’t watch the news.

Don’t listen to the politicians.

Don’t believe those in power.

Follow the scientists, the philosophers, and the artists amongst you.

Truth is closer to them than any political ideology.

Moral universalism is not subject to an ideological monopoly: it is self-sufficient.

Value and create the greatest happiness you can within others, and no ill views will come to you. Feel that you are a citizen of the world and all who is human that walks as you do is your brother or sister, and no corruption can touch you.

Politics is the elephant graveyard of enlightenment.

Much love,
Zen Politics
There is no future in politics
“There is no future in politics” – Published August 4, 2013

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